CE- 1008
A. When first guy level is reached, install two horizontal cable braces on the tower just below guy level (see
B. Determine the location of the guy anchor as shown on figure 2-4, sheet 2.
C. With the digging bar or a shovel, dig a pilot hole about 6" deep x 12" dia to aid in starting the anchor.
D. Screw anchor into the ground at a 45-degree angle until the top of the eye is not more than 4" above the
ground surface.
E. Attach guy winch to the anchor with clevis or guy spacer (figure 2-4, sheet 5).
F. Pass the slack end of the guy through the snubbing slot of the winch.
G. Leave enough slack in the guy cable to allow at least 1-1/2 turns to be wound on the winch before tensioning
H. Do not place the guy under too much tension until all four guys of a given set are attached to their winches.
I. Guys should be tensioned simultaneously while checking the tower for plumb.
J. Use the tensiometer as shown in figure 2-6, sheet 14, and tension each guy to 800 lbs. The locking pin must
be installed in the guy winch after each takeup.
K. When proper tension has been reached, continue erecting tower as shown on sheet 12.
Figure 2-6. 80-Foot Tower Erection, Sheet 13 of 18