TM 32-5985-343-14&P
6-1. GENERAL. A functional explanation of the
b. The elevator hoist assembly is an electrically
Antenna Tower TS-1A, describing the relationship of the
operated, worm-gear reduction, chain-driven hoist with a
equipment components to the end item and the function
capacity of 2000 pounds. The elevator hoist assembly
is used to raise and lower the antenna elevator. A
additional coverage on the AN/GSA-131(V)1 or the
manually operated, two-position, momentary switch, the
AN/GSA-131(V)2 antenna group, refer to TM 32-5985-
elevator hoist control controls the raising and lowering of
the antenna elevator. This remote switch is located on
one of the tower legs. When the UP button is pressed,
the elevator is raised; when the DOWN button is
pressed, the elevator is lowered. The brake in the
elevator hoist assembly automatically holds the load
a. Antenna Tower TS-1A is a self-supporting tower
when the buttons are not pressed.
designed to support either the AN/GSA-131(V)1 or
c. The direction of the hoist drum rotation must be
AN/GSA-131(V)2 antenna group. The antenna tower is
observed after the 230/460 V, three-phase, 60 Hz power
equipped with an electrically powered elevator that
is supplied to the elevator hoist control. The direction of
transports the antenna to or from the top of the antenna
rotation should correspond with the direction indicated
tower during antenna installation or removal. It is also
by the control. If it is not, the direction can be reversed
possible to attach a maintenance platform to the
by interchanging any two of the three input power leads
antenna tower to provide access to all parts of the
antenna after it has been fully erected on the tower.