TM 32-5985-343-14&P
Figure 5-13. Tower Pivot and Grounding Kit
(3) With face A on the ground, remove bolt
(1) Remove tower section.
Refer to
(4), nut (5), and lockwasher (6) from crossover junction
paragraph 5-10o for tower sections Nos. 2 and 3 and to
of two tower braces No. 7 (2). Detach these braces
paragraph 5-10p for tower section No. 1.
from front top tower leg assembly (3) and one of top
(2) Attach cable from winch truck to tower
tower leg assemblies (10) by removing four bolts (7),
leg A of tower section.
nuts (8), and lockwashers (9). Use ladder to reach bolts
(3) With face A on ground, remove two bolts
on front top leg assembly.
(3), nuts (4), and lockwashers (5) from crossover
(4) Repeat step (3) to remove tower braces
junctions of braces (1 and 9) between legs A and B.
No. 7 and attaching hardware for tower face on ground.
Detach these braces from tower legs by removing eight
(5) With the leg on ground acting as a pivot,
bolts (6), nuts (7), and lockwashers (8). Use ladder to
lower remaining tower face to ground.
reach bolts of face A.
(6) Repeat step (3) to remove remaining
(4) Repeat step (3) to remove braces
braces and attaching hardware.
between legs B and C and attaching hardware.
(5) Lower leg A to ground, with leg C serving
as a pivot. Repeat step (3) to detach remaining braces
(1) Remove elevator tracks from tower.
and attaching hardware.
disassembly is complete. If tracks have been removed
ton winch truck is needed.
(1) Remove tower section No. 4. Refer to
(2) Detach two track assemblies (4) from
(2) Attach cable from winch truck to top front
track supports Nos. 7 (6), 8 (5), and 9 (3) by removing
tower leg assembly.
12 bolts (21), nuts (19), and lockwashers (20).