TM 11-6625-1702-35
Figure 1-3. 0- to 500-millivolt power supply
schematic diagram.
ing of pins 1 and 2 of RF directional power
1-11. Meter Circuit
sensor Z1. In S3 switch position 4, the metering
c i r c u i t is turned off. In S3 switch positions
The meter circuit of the test set is controlled
5 and 6, forward and reflected power measure-
by METER FUNCTION switch S3. Switch
ments of as high as a 35-watt RF power source
wafers S3A and S3B control the meter circuit.
are taken using outputs and loading of pins
In S3 switch position 1, the 28-volt source is
4 and 5 of RF directional power sensor Z1.
measured with load resistor R2. In S3 switch
In S3 switch positions 7 and 8, the 0- to 500-
positions 2 and 3, forward and reflected power
millivolt power source is measured with load
m e a s u r e m e n t s of as high as a 10-watt RF
resistor R3.
power source are taken using outputs and load-