TM 11-6625-1702-35
by METER FUNCTION switch S3. When S3
to TUNE INDICATOR lamp DS1, microam-
is set to the appropriate position, micro-
m e t e r M1, and the 0- to 500-millivolt (mv)
ammeter M1 indicates the dc supply voltage,
power supply.
t h e forward and reflected RF power, or the
1-5. 0- to 500-Millivolt Power Supply Block
output of the 0- to 500-millivolt power supply.
The 28-volt dc signal, applied to the 0-to 500-
1-7. Tune Indicator Block Diagram
m i l l i v o l t power supply, is voltage-regulated
When tuning of the antenna under test is
by Zener diode CR1 and applied to MV AD-
activated, a motor pulsing signal is applied to
JUST variable resistor R1A and R1B. Adjust-
the tuning indicator circuit composed of
m e n t of R1A and R1B provides a means of
transistors Q1, Q2,
and Q3. The motor pulsing
regulating the 0- to 500-millivolt output under
s i g n a l biases the
transistors so that TUNE
load conditions. The 0- to 500-millivolt output
DS1 lights, indicating that
supplies operating power to the antenna under
test is tuning.
1-6. Meter Block Diagram
The meter circuit of the test set is controlled
Figure 1-1. Test set, block diagram.
1-8. General Circuit Functioning
The test set contains a 0- to 500-millivolt power
the overall schematic diagram of the test set.
s u p p l y , a metering circuit, a tune indicator
circuit, and a power control circuit. Para-
Change 3