TM 11-6625-1702-35
mounted on the test panel. Jack J4 supplies
1-9. Power Control Circuit
dc control power through a control interconnect
The power control circuit of the test set pro-
cable to the antenna under test when the unit
v i d e s interconnection of rf power, dc power,
is mounted on a ground plane.
and common leads to the RF and control out-
1-10. 0- to 500-Millivolt Power Supply
put jacks and plugs. RF SELECT switch S1
a n d MANUAL TUNE switch S2 control the
The 0- to 500-millivolt power supply consists
a. R F p o w e r i s s u p p l i e d b y a n e x t e r n a l
of load resistor R4, voltage regulator CR1, and
source to RF INPUT jack J3. The RF power
voltage divider R5, R1A, and R1B. The +28-
is connected from J3 through directional power
volt dc input is regulated to +12 volts dc
sensor Z1 to RF SELECT switch S1. The
by R4 and CR1. The regulated 12 volts is sup-
RF power is supplied through the RF SELECT
plied across R5, R1A, and R1B where a 0- to
switch to either P1 or J2. Plug P1 supplies
5 0 0 - m i l l i v o l t signal is isolated from ground
R F power to the antenna under test when
by a 0- to 500-millivolt common connected be-
the unit is mounted on the test panel. Jack
tween R1A and R1B. Resistor R1A is used to
J2 supplies RF power through the RF inter-
supply the + 0- to +500-millivolt signal (volt-
connect cable to the antenna under test when
a g e drop from R1A center tap to the 0- to
the unit is mounted on a ground plane.
b. D c p o w e r i s s u p p l i e d b y a n e x t e r n a l
500-millivolt common). Resistor R1B is used
t o supply the 0- to 500-millivolt signal
source to 28V INPUT ( + ) and 28V INPUT
(voltage drop from R1B center tap to the 100-
( ) jacks E1 and E2, respectively. The +28-
m i l l i v o l t common). T h e 0 - t o 5 0 0 - m i l l i v o l t
volt input at E1 is applied through fuse F1 to
c o m m o n is supplied to MV OUTPUT COM-
the antenna under test, tuning indicator DS1,
MON jack E4. The
test set meter M1 through resistor R2, and the
0 - to +500-millivolt
s i g n a l is supplied to S3C7, and the 0- to
0- to 500-millivolt power supply.
c . MANUAL TUNE switch S2 provides a
500-millivolt signal is supplied to S3C8. The
desired polarity is selected by using S3 and
ground control for operating the manual tune
the 0- to 500-millivolt signal is supplied
circuits of the antenna under test. The 28-volt
by S3C12 to MV OUTPUT jack E3. Adjust-
p o w e r input, the dc common, and MANUAL
ment of R1A and R1B permits adjusting the
TUNE switch S2 supply dc control power to
0- to 500- millivolt output under loaded con-
P2 and J4. Plug P2 supplies dc control power
to the antenna under test when the unit is