TM 11-6625-1702-35
bles in the test set to a particular component
Warning: Be careful when working on the
1 1 5 - v o l t ac line connections. DEATH or
d. Techniques. I n p e r f o r m i n g l o c a l i z a t i o n
SERIOUS INJURY may result from contact
and isolation procedures, one or more of the
with these terminals.
t e c h n i q u e s described below may be applied.
2-1. General Instructions
Use the techniques only as indicated, and ob-
Troubleshooting at the direct support, gen-
serve all cautions.
eral support, and depot maintenance categories
(1) V o l t a g e m e a s u r e m e n t s . T h i s e q u i p -
includes all the techniques outlined for organi-
ment is transistorized. When measuring volt-
zational maintenance and any special or addi-
a g e s , use tape or sleeving (spaghetti) to in-
tional techniques required to isolate a defective
sulate the entire test prod, except for the ex-
treme tip. A momentary short circuit can ruin
intraunit (within the unit) localizing and iso-
lating procedures to be used at the direct sup-
port maintenance category.
2-2. Organization of Troubleshooting
c h e c k s as well as to measure the resistance
o f a circuit or component. Be careful when
a. General. The first procedure in servicing
checking transistors.
the test set is to localize the fault. Localiza-
(3) Waveshapes. Compare the waveshape
t i o n means tracing the fault to a defective
obtained at an indicated point with that shown
stage or circuit responsible for the abnormal
c o n d i t i o n . The second procedure is isolation
(4) Intermittent troubles. In all the tests,
which means finding the defective part or
the possibility of intermittent troubles should
p a r t s . Some defective parts, such as burned
not be overlooked. If present, this type of
trouble often may be made to appear by
can often be located by sight, smell, and
tapping or jarring the equipment. Make a
hearing. Most defective parts, however, must
v i s u a l inspection of the wiring and connec-
tions to the units of the test set. Minute cracks
b. Localization. Test set malfunctions are
in the printed circuit board can cause inter-
localized by using the troubleshooting chart in
mittent operation. A magnifying glass is often
helpful in locating defects in the printed circuit
trouble symptoms and provides corrective
measures. Since the chart cannot list all trouble
symptoms that may appear, it should be used
(5) R e s i s t o r a n d c a p a c i t o r c o l o r c o d e
as a guide for analyzing symptoms that are
d i a g r a m s . Color code diagrams for resistors
not listed.
and capacitors (figs. 51 and 52 ) are provided
c. Isolation. Procedures for isolating trou-
to aid maintenance personnel in determining
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