(7) Rotate the elevation handwheel to position the TRUE ELEVATION digital counter to 000.9 degree.
(1) Position the MODE SELECT switch, S2, to the MANUAL position.
(2) Rotate the azimuth handwheel CW to +270 degrees, the CW electrical limit. Prior to engaging the
mechanical stop, observe that antenna rotation slows up, as indicated by the cable-wrap meter. When the antenna is in
its CW limit, the needle in the cable-wrap meter should be fully in the right red limit marking.
(3) Rotate the azimuth handwheel CCW to -270 degrees, the CCW electrical limit. Prior to engaging the
mechanical stop, observe that antenna rotation slows up, as indicated by the cable-wrap meter. When the antenna is in
its CCW limit, the needle on the cable-wrap meter should be fully in the left red limit marking.
(4) Rotate the azimuth handwheel CW until the TRUE AZIMUTH digital counter indicates 000.0 degree.
If a correction factor is set into the AZ ORIENT control, this factor should be added to the limit to
obtain the actual position in degrees at which the limit stops will be engaged (i.e., if 20 degrees
is set into the AZ ORIENT control, the electrical limit will be engaged at 290 degrees and the
mechanical limit at 310 degrees, as indicated by the azimuth vernier on the counter on the
Control Indicator.
(5) Slowly lower the antenna in elevation, by rotating the elevation handwheel CCW, until the lower electrical
limit is engaged at approximately -15 degrees. Prior to engaging the mechanical stop, observe that antenna rotation
slows up.
a. Repeat step (3), rotating the elevation handwheel CW to the upper electrical limit of +95 degrees.
b. Rotate the elevation handwheel CCW until the TRUE ELEVATION digital counter indicates 000.0.