It is assumed that during installation the radome guy straps have been positioned at the four
corners of the radome platform and smoothed out so that there are no kinks or twists in the guy
(1) Station one man at each of the four radome guy cables to stabilize the radome during inflation.
(2) Position the RADOME POWER circuit breaker, CB1, on the Antenna Control Power Supply controlling the
Antenna System to the ON position.
(3) Position the BLOWER switch S3 on the Antenna Control Power Supply to the ON position.
(4) Position the ANTENNA SYSTEM POWER circuit breaker to the ON position.
(5) Observe that the pressure gauge on the Antenna Control Power Supply indicates an increasing pressure.
When the radome is fully inflated, the pressure gauge should indicate approximately 0. 5 PSI and the PRESSURE
SAFE indicator light, DS1, should illuminate.
(6) When the radome is fully inflated, secure the radome guy cables, maintaining an equal tension on each
guy cable.
After installation, the radome control circuit breakers should be left on and the blower switch
maintained in the ON position until the system is disassembled for reshipment. Leaving the
radome inflated prevents the possibility of damaging the radome or the antenna feed and
allows instantaneous system operation.
Do not operate the DEICER power switch S1 on the Antenna Control Power Supply until the
radome inflates to a safe pressure to avoid damage to the radome, should the automatic
pressure switches in the radome fail. These pressure switches are in series with the deicer
switches. When a safe pressure is reached, the deicer switches should be operated
accordingly to prevent ice from forming on the radome and adversely affecting the antenna