TM 11-5985-371-12&P
d. Placement of Guy Stakes.
Wear protective goggles while driving the four guy stakes into the
(1) General . The letters A, B, C, and D assigned to the guy stakes in the
illustration (2) below are for purposes of illustration only. The assigned
letters are not markings on the equipment. Use the 100-foot tape measure to make
the measurements cited below. After-locating each guy stake as" described below, put
on the protective goggles, and use the hammer to drive each guy stake into the
ground at an approximate angle of 30 from vertical and away from the mast base
ground stake. Drive each guy stake into the ground until only the guy connector is
above ground.
(2) Locating Guy Stakes
Locate guy stake A 25 feet (8.75 meters) from the
mast base in the direction of the male connector
on the mast base swivel
shown below. Drive guy stake A into the ground. Locate guy stakes B, C, and D
approximately 90 apart as ill ustrated below and drive each guy stake into the