C2, TM 11-5985-284-15
ground it to the radio set chassis. When the
b. Place the
loop antenna into operating
radio set whip antenna base is not grounded,
it interferes with homing signals.
c. Connect
connector J1
AT-1082/PRC to the antenna coaxial connec-
tor of the radio set with which it is to be used
by the CG-3344/PRC cable. The 12-foot cable
The best performance of Antenna AT-1082/
(CG-2840A/U) may be added to the
PRC is obtained when it is used over an unob-
CG-3344/PRC to increase the interconnection
structed line-of-sight path with a compatible
cable length, if required.
radio set. For this reason, the AT-1082/PRC
should be operated away from obstructions
such as large buildings, bridges, steel struc-
a t t a c h e d t o the
e. T h e
tures, and hills. These objects will block or
deflect the desired signal, thereby making
homing difficult or impossible. Also, this
PRC-25 (part of Radio Sets AN/PRC-25 and
e q u i p m e n t should not be operated near
A N / V R C - 5 3 ) and RT-841/PRC-77 (part o f
high-power or telephone lines. The best sites
Radio Set AN/PRC-77). On these receiver-
for desired directional looping are on hilltops
or over open, flat terrain. Figure 2-2 illus-
as it will go over the whip antenna base. The
trates typical good and poor locations for
inside top of the shield cap should contact the
AT-1082/PRC operation.
top of the whip antenna base on the radio and