TM 11-5985-284-15
homing purposes. A pocket compass can be used
to provide approximate azimuth readings by
u. Purpose. Antenna, Loop AT-784/PRC, when
sighting in the direction of the indicated bear-
used in conjunction with Radio Set AN/PRC-25,
AN/VRG-12, or their equivalents, comprises a
homing device that enables the operator to find
the direction of a transmitted signal within the
1-5. Technical Characteristics
Frequency range . . . . . . . ..30 to 76 MHz covered
Use the AT-784/PRC for reception only.
in five bands.
Do not transmit. Whenever the loop
(2) 40-50 MHz.
antenna is not in use, keep the AT-
(3) 50-60 MHz.
TENUATOR switch set to 0.
(4) 60-70 MHz.
The unshielded loop antenna of Antenna AT-
(5) 70-76 MHz.
Fine tuning
1082/PRC is used to pick up a homing signal, and
range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0-10 MHz covered in
1-MHz steps.
used to determine the direction of the transmit-
Signal attenua-
ted signal. The AT-1082/PRC is not provided
tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0-46 dB covered in
with an azimuth indicator, since highly accu-
five step: 0, 10,
rate bearings are not generally required for
20, 30, and 40 dB.
Change 5