TM 32-5985-342-14&P
(6) Tag Line. The tag line is a 40-foot-long
dacron rope used to raise individual units to the tower
top. Use of tag line prevents contact of assembled
tower members with units being raised.
c. Antenna Elevation and Positioning Kit.
antenna elevation and positioning kit contains the items
and equipment needed to raise the AN/GSA-131(V)l or
AS-2304/G antenna to the tower top. The kit consists of
an elevator assembly, electric hoist, carriage assembly,
and vertical track.
(1) Elevator Assembly.
The elevator
and carries the carriage and antenna vertically to the
tower top level. Vertical load capacity of the elevator
assembly is 2,000 pounds.
Do not use the hoist to raise or lower
Figure 1-4. Hoist Assembly
personnel. Special safety interlocks
(3) Carriage Assembly. The carriage assembly (figure
1-5) is
used to
transfer the AN/GSA-131(V)l or
the AS-
and guards required on personnel
2304/G antenna from the elevator to the center of the
tower top. The capacity of the carriage assembly is
2,000 pounds when not bolted to the top tower supports.
(Special rollers safely resist overturn loads up to 1,000
foot-pounds.) Once positioned and secured to the tower
top, the carriage assembly will support either antenna in
extremely adverse environmental conditions.
Figure 1-3. Elevator Assembly
(2) Electric Hoist Assembly.
The hoist
Figure 1-5. Carriage Assembly
(4) Vertical Track. The vertical track consists
gear reduction, chain-driven hoist with a capacity of
of two lengths of galvanized structural tubing mounted
2,000 pounds. It is used to raise and lower the elevator
to one tower face and is used to guide the elevator
assembly. When properly aligned and bolted to the
horizontal braces, the track can resist an overturn load
equal to that of the carriage assembly.