TM 11-6625-1702-35
3-1. General Parts Replacement Techniques
b. Disconnect the input and output connec-
The general precautions in a through c b e l o w
s h o u l d be observed when replacing parts in
c. With a 25-watt, pencil-type soldering
iron, remove the four dc output leads.
location of test panel parts.
3-5. Removal of Component Board A1
a. W h e n s o l d e r i n g o r u n s o l d e r i n g c o m -
a. R e m o v e t h e f o u r h e x a g o n a l n u t s a n d
ponents, solder quickly to allow as little heat
washers from the support posts that secure the
conduction as possible. Whenever wiring per-
component board to the test panel.
mits, use a heat skin (such as a pair of long-
b. Carefully fold the component board over
nosed pliers ) between the solder joint and the
the cabling.
component. Use approximately the same length
c. With a
25-watt, pencil-type soldering iron,
and dress of leads as used originally.
carefully remove the leads from the component
b. Use a pencil-type iron with a 25-watt
board. Be sure to clearly label each lead to
maximum capacity. If the iron must be used
i n s u r e proper connection when they are re-
t r a n s f o r m e r between the iron and the line,
Check soldering irons for short circuits to the
3-6. Removal of METER FUNCTION Switch
iron tip before using.
c. Whenever an electrical part such as a
a. Remove all leads from switch S3. Be sure
resistor or diode is to be removed, note the
to clearly label the leads to insure proper re-
e x a c t position of the component before re-
moving it. Replace the component in the same
b. R e m o v e t h e M E T E R F U N C T I O N k n o b
from the test panel of the test set.
c. Remove the hexagonal nut and lockwasher
3-2. Removal of Test Panel from Test Set
that secure switch S3 to the test panel.
a. Loosen the four turn lock fasteners at the
3-7. Removal of RF SELECT Switch S1
perimeter of the test panel.
a. Remove the three BNC connectors from
b. Lift the test panel from the test set case.
switch S1. Be sure to clearly label the leads
3-3. Removal of Test Panel Dust Cover
to insure proper replacement.
a. Place the test panel (removed from case)
b. Remove the RF SELECT knob from the
face up.
test panel of the test set.
b. Remove the 18 Phillip's-head screws from
c. Remove the nut, lockwasher, and escutch-
the perimeter of the test panel.
e o n plate that secure switch S1 to the test
c. Carefully lift the test panel from the dust
3-8. Replacement of RF SELECT Switch S1
3-4. Removal of RF Directional Power
a. Properly connect all leads to switch S1.
Sensor Z1
b. Replace the RF SELECT switch in the
a. Remove the four mounting screws from
test panel.
the RF directional power sensor.