TM 11-5985-371-12&P
Reporting of Transportation Discrepancies in Shipments
AR 55-38
Identification and Distribution of DA Publications and
AR 310-2
Issue of Agency and Command Administrative Publications
Reporting of Item Discrepancies Attributable to
AR 735-11-2
Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms
DA Pam 310-1
The Standard Army Publication System (STARPUB) Users Guide
DA Pam 310-10
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
DA Pam 738-750
FM 21-11
Marking for Shipment and Storage
Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving
TB 43-0118
Electronics Command Equipment Including Camouflage
Pattern Painting of Electrical Equipment Shelters
Safety Measures to be Observed When Installing and
TB SIG 291
Using Whip Antennas, Field Type Masts, Towers, Antennas
and Direction Finder Equipment
Antenna Groups AN/GRA-4 and AN/GRA-12
TM 11-2651
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts
TM 11-5985-229-12P
and Special Tools List and Maintenance Allocation
Chart, Mast AB-86/GRA-4
Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special
TM 11-5985-229-35P
Tools List, Mast AB-86/GRA-4
Hand Receipt Covering Contents of Components of End
TM 11-5985-371-12-HR
Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII), and Additional
Authorization List (AAL) for Antenna AS-3577/GRC (NSN
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual,
TM 11-6625-3136-12
Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support
TM 11-6625-3136-24P
Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists, Spectrum Analyzer