TM 11-5985-355-13
(7) Secure ring (SMI-B-889201).
(1) Connect the AN/URM-182 between the
(8) Replace the AS-2732/GRC (a(3) and (4)
AS-2731/GRC and the receiver-transmitter unit.
Antenna must be mounted upright in an open area away
from buildings and trees which would offset forward and
reflected power indications of the AN/URM-182.
moval and Replacement
(2) If the control cable is not used, set
a. Removal.
frequency selector switch S1 to the position that includes
(1) Remove safety lock wire between the
the operating frequency of the rt unit.
AS-2732/GRC and cable mount assembly.
b. Minimum Performance Tests.
(2) Remove the AS-2732/GRC from cable
mount assembly.
MHz (subband 1). The AS-2731/GRC selector switch
(3) Remove rf and control cables from J1
must correspond with applicable subband according to
and J2. Place dust caps over connectors.
the frequency setting of rt unit.
(4) Remove MX-9146/GRC from antenna
mounting bracket, bonding jumper and applicable
If automatic tuning is not used, manually set the
mounting hardware.
frequency selector switch of MX-9146/GRC to applicable
b. Replacement..
(1) Replace IMX-9146/GRC and bonding
jumper to mounting bracket with applicable mounting
forward and reflected power indications. The required
hardware. Torque the four mounting bolts not to exceed
minimum forward power shall not be less than specified
100 inch-pounds (snug tight).
in the applicable rt unit manual, and reflected power shall
(2) Screw the AS-2732/GRC to cable mount
be less than 30 percent of forward power.
(3) Repeat (1) and (2) above for the
following frequency settings:
(4) Connect rf and control cables to MX-
(a) 35.0 MHz (subband 2).
9146/GRC J1 and J2 connectors respectively.
(b) 39.5 MHz (subband 3).
4-9. Using Test Set, RF Power AN/URM-182
(c) 44.5 MHz (subband 4).
with AS-2731/GRC
(d) 50.0 MHz (subband 5).
The AN/URM-182 (TM 11-6625-2718-14&P) is a
(e) 54.5 MHz (subband 6).
through-line directional wattmeter that measures rf
(f) 58.0 MHz (subband 7).
forward and reflected power in 50-ohm coaxial systems.
(g) 62.5 MHz (subband 8).
By observing forward and reflected power indications of
(h) 67.5 MHz (subband 9).
(i) 73.5 MHz (subband 10).
Antenna System AS-2731/GRC or the receiver-
The antenna may be painted using lusterless Forest
transmitter is defective.
Green paint (Item 5, appx E).
4-10. Painting
a. Test Setup (fig. 4-1).
Change 4-4