TM 11-5985-355-13
Dangerous rf voltages exist at AS-2731/GRC elements and connectors. Personnel
should be familiar with the requirements of TB SIG-291 before attempting
3-1. Scope of Operator's Maintenance
3-4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Following is a list of maintenance duties normally
Services Periods
performed by the AS-2731/GRC operator.
Preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) of
procedures do not require special tools or test
the AS-2731/GRC are required on a aily basis. Table 3-
1 specifies checks and services that must be
a. Preventive maintenance checks and services
accomplished under the conditions listed below.
chart (table 3-1).
a. Before You Operate. Perform the before (B)
b. Cleaning (table 3-1).
procedures before using the equipment. This will be
3-2. Materials Required
done if you are operating/using the equipment for the
a. Cleaning fluid: Trichlorotrifluoroethane (item 1,
first time, or if your are the assigned operator and have
appx E).
not operated/used the equipment since the last weekly
b. Cleaning cloth.
b. After You? Operate. Be sure to perform A
3-3. Operator's/Crew Preventive Maintenance
(after) PMCS procedures.
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
c. During Operation. Observe the performance of
servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent the
the equipment during (D) operation.
occurrence of trouble, reduce downtime, and assure
d. 4Weekly Procedure. If the equipment is not
that the equipment is operational.
used during the week, perform the B, D, an(W) PMCS
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
together with the weekly (W) PSMCS.
table 3-1 cover routine, systematic care and cleaning
If Your Equipment Fails to Operate.
essential to proper upkeep and operation of the
Troubleshoot the radio system, as outlined in the
applicable technical manual for the radio system (app A).
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
If you are unable to clear the trouble, report the failure
The preventive maintenance checks and services chart
using the proper form (TM 38-750).
(table 3-1) outlines functions to be performed daily.
These checks and services are to maintain Army
electronic equipment in a combat-serviceable condition;
1. Routine checks are not listed as
that is, in good general (physical) condition and in good
PMCS; such as: cleaning (para -.-5),
operating condition. To assist operators in maintaining
dusting, washing; checking for frayed
combat serviceability, th4 chart indicates when to check,
cables; stowing items not in use; cover-
how to check, and what the normal conditions are. The
loose nuts and bolts. These are things
ready/available if: column lists the criteria when the AS-
that should be done anytime you see
2731/GRC is classified as not ready for its primary
they must be done.
mission. If the defect cannot be remedied by the
operator, higher category maintenance or repair is
used as a source of item numbers for the
required. Records and reports of these checks and
TM number column on DA Form 2404
services must be made in accordance with the
requirements set forth in TM 38-750.
Change 2 3-1