TM 11-5985-334-34
Figure 2-11. Upper guy ring assembly, exploded view, AB-621/G.
h. Scrape off the excess grease extruded by
a. Replace the guy ring plate (8) by removing the
placement of the casting and replace the guy ring
six screws (1), lockwasher (2), and flat washer (3).
b. Pick up the assembly with two hands, holding
i. Turn the assembly over and replace the cover
the assembly together and turn the assembly over
(4) lockwasher (2), flat washer (3), and screws (1).
into one hand.
c. Lift off the guy ring plate.
j. After tightening the screws, wipe the assembly
clean with a cloth.
Adequate ventilation should be provided
2-18. Disassembly and Repair of Upper Guy
Ring, AB-621A/G
ETHANE. Prolonged breathing of vapor
should be avoided. The solvent should not
The upper guy ring is essentially an assembly of the
be used near heat or open flame, the
guy ring plate having a bearing assembly fastened
products of decomposition are toxic and
to it by six screws. The bearing assembly contains
irritating. Since TRICHLOROTRI-
roller bearings packed in grease; therefore, the work
FLUOROETHANE dissolves natural
surface used for disassembly must be clean.
oils, prolonged contact with skin must be
a. Replace the guy ring plate (8) by removing the
avoided. When necessary use gloves
six screws (11), lockwasher (2), and flat washer (3).
which the solvent cannot penetrate. If the
b. Pick up the assembly with two hands, holding
solvent is taken internally, consult a
the assembly together and turn the assembly over
physician immediately.
into one hand.
d. Separate and clean the guy ring race (5),
c. Lift off the guy ring plate.
bearings (6), and casing (7) with trichlorotrifluoro-
Adequate ventilation should be provided
e. To reassemble the parts, pack the outer wall
and flange of the guy ring race with Grade 2
ETHANE. Prolonged breathing of the
graphite grease per Federal Specification
vapor should be avoided. The solvent
should not be used near heat or open
f. Stick 26
bearings (6)
against the greased
flame, the products of decomposition are
surface and flange of the guy ring race.
toxic and irritating. Since TRICHLORO-
g. Replace the casing (7) over the bearings.