pod, 50 inches in height, with a nonmetallic disk
sitting on top. This disk should be calibrated in
a. Testing procedures are prepared for use by
1 markings from 0 to 360 and be attached to
Electronics Field Maintenance Shops and Elec-
a wooden handle (minimum of 36 inches long)
tronic Service Organizations responsible for gen-
which will be used to rotate the disk. The test
eral support maintenance of electronics equipment
antenna should then be mounted on top of the disk
to determine the acceptability of repaired elec-
with provisions made for cable entry and a degree
tronics equipment. These procedures set forth
pointer. The pointer should be alined so that
specific requirements that repaired electronics
when the disk is rotated, the pointer will line up
equipment must meet before it is returned to the
with the degree markings on the disk.
using organization. The testing procedures may
also be used as a guide for the testing of equip-
ment that has been repaired at direct support level
if the proper tools and test equipment are
a. All tests shall be conducted in an open field
which is free from all reflective objects.
b. Comply with the instructions preceding each
b. Place Signal Generator AN/USM-44 on the
chart before proceeding to the chart. Perform
ground with a 34-inch vertical antenna connected
each test in sequence. Do not vary the sequence.
directly to the coaxial RF OUTPUT connector
For each step, perform all the actions required
and terminated into a 47-ohm carbon resistor.
in the Test equipment control setting and Equip-
c. The signal generator should be placed on its
ment under test control settings columns; then per-
back to enable the entire length of the antenna to
form each specific test procedure and verify it
extend (34 inches ) above the signal generator top
against its performance standard.
d. Set the output-of the signal generator to
volt with no modulation at each test frequency.
All test equipment required to perform the test-
e. Place Frequency Meter AN/URM-80 on a
ing procedures given in this section are listed in
table in a position as close as possible to the test
the following chart and are authorized under
TA 11-17, and TA 11-100(11-17).
f. Place Antenna AT-1082/PRC on a tripod
a. Test Equipment.
50 inches high and centered over a 25-foot point
of an imaginary line drawn between the signal
Federal stock
Technical manual
generator and the AT-1082/PRC under test,
g. Connect the CG-3344/PRC 5-foot coaxial
Signal Generator AN/USM-
TM 11-6625-
cable between the AT-1082/PRC and the fre-
quency meter.
TM 11-6625-
h. A power source of 110 to 120 volts, alternat-
Frequency Meter AN/
TM 11-5095.
ing current ( ac), 60 Hertz (Hz) is required to pro-
vide operating voltages for test equipment listed
Resistor, carbon 47-ohm,
- - - -- - - -
TM 11-6625-
ing Set, AN/URM-85.
5-6. Physical Tests
and Inspection
a. Test Equipment and Material. None.
b. Other Equipment Required. To conduct the
b. Test Connections and Conditions. Remove
frequency range test, construct a nonmetallic tri-
cover from case.