and solder through the hole in the
(2) Disassemble the UG-536/U and lay
contact. File the soldered area
out its parts in the order of dis-
(11) Insert the cable into the shell.
(3) Slide the nut over the rf cable.
(12) Tighten the nut securely. When the
(4) Slide the washer over the rf cable.
cable and connector are properly
(5) Slide the gasket over the rf cable,
assembled, the contact tip should
one-sixth of an inch beyond the edge
be flush with, or not more than one
of the rf cable outer jacket.
thirty-second of an inch beneath the
(6) Slide the flanged sleeve over the
edge of the coupling.
copper braid shield.
(7) Flare the shield around the flanged
(8) Remove the excess shield braid so
c. Replacement of Cable RG58A/U.
that it is even with the outer edge
(1) Measure and cut off 75 feet of cable
of the flanged sleeve.
(9) Remove three-sixteenths of an inch
(2) Install connector UG-536/U to each
of insulation from the end of the
end of cable RG-58A/U as in b
(10) Slide the contact over the conductor
Figure 10. Cross section of rf
cable and