15. Scope of Organizational Maintenance
(2) Cleaning cloth, lint-free.
(3) Sandpaper No. 000.
c. Test Equipment. M u l t i m e t e r
The following is a list of maintenance
URM- 105.
duties performed by organizational main-
tenance personnel for the antenna assem-
b l y . The scope of these instructions has
17. Organizational Preventive Maintenance
b e e n determined by the available tools,
DA Form 11-238 (fig. 8 and 9) is a pre-
m a t e r i a l s , test equipment, spare parts,
ventive maintenance checklist to be used
and the MOS of the repairman.
by organizational maintenance personnel.
Items not applicable to the equipment are
lined out in the figures. Instructions for
the use of the form appear on the form.
18. Troubleshooting
16. Tools, Materials, and Test Equipment
a. The troubleshooting chart is for use
o f second through fifth echelon mainte-
A list of parts normally stocked for or-
nance personnel. Upon noting a defect in
ganizational maintenance is contained in
e i t h e r transmission or reception, shut
T M 11-5820-467-25P. The tools, mate-
rials, and test equipment required for or-
c e i v e r , disconnect the rf cable from the
ganizational maintenance are listed below:
t r a n s m i t t e r / r e c e i v e r antenna connector,
a. Tools. Tool Equipment TE-41.
a n d perform the appropriate procedure
b. Materials.
listed in the chart below.
(1) Cleaning compound (Federal stock
No. 7930-395-9542).
b. Chart.
19. Repair of Rf Cable (Third Echelon)
(1) Tool Equipment TE-113.
The only item of the antenna assembly
b. Installation of Connector on End of
that can be readily repaired is the rf cable
Rf Cable.
(b and c below).
a. Tools and Test Equipment Required.
of the rf cable outer jacket.