TM 32-5985-343-14&P
(4) Before attaching antenna to elevator, test
elevator and carriage for proper operation.
Tower grating assemblies above
(5) When the AN/GSA-131(V) antenna is
attaching hardware for horizontal
assembled, be sure that the side that does not have
tracks of tower adapter may be
elements protruding faces the tower when the antenna is
removed to provide access to this
attached to the antenna carriage.
hardware for track alignment.
(6) Before attempting to attach antenna, be sure
that crank axis of tower adapter winch is parallel to
tower face A. The winch will then be able to move the
As carriage is rolled onto tower
antenna carriage when it rides on the horizontal tracks
adapter, the load on the elevator
of the tower adapter.
hoist cable decreases. As a result,
the elevator hoist cable shortens and
b. Elevator and Carriage Tests.
raises the elevator assembly slightly.
misalignment of the horizontal tracks
Persons must never try to ride
of the elevator assembly and the
elevator. It does not have safety
tower adapter, briefly operate hoist
with DOWN control.
(6) Roll antenna carriage onto horizontal tracks of
tower adapter. Note and correct any condition that
Before raising or lowering load with
causes track misalignment or that prevents the six holes
in the antenna carriage from perfectly mating with the
controls momentarily to eliminate all
holes in the tower adapter. Tower grating assemblies
slack in cable. This way, shock load
and resulting damages to hoist or
removed to provide access to attaching hardware (11, 4,
rigging are avoided.
5, and 19, figure 2-1 ) for adjustment of horizontal tracks
(1) With elevator hoist, begin elevator ascent.
(7) Roll antenna carriage back onto elevator
Check for smoothness of ride.
(2) Send a person to tower top with two shear pins
person must tell the hoist operator when the elevator
assembly has reached the proper height for these shear
pins to be inserted.
Because of weight differences
between loaded and unloaded
elevator assembly, shear pins may
Do not let elevator assembly go
bind in locked position.
If this
beyond its upper limit of travel. Take
binding occurs, do not attempt to
extreme care when it approaches this
force shear pins. Instead, operate
position. Otherwise excessive cable
hoist to allow their removal.
stress could result, and this stress
could cause equipment failure or
injury to persons.
(9) Lower elevator. A block may be placed
(3) Raise elevator assembly to proper height with
beneath elevator assembly after elevator has been
stopped, but this block is not required.
(4) Install antenna installation platform (paragraph
c. Antenna Installation Platform. Removing and
2-17c) to
reduce hazards and other problems in
inserting attaching hardware that secures antenna
unbolting antenna carriage.
carriage to elevator assembly can be difficult and
hazardous when elevator assembly is at tower top. The
temporary maintenance platform described in this
(12) that secure antenna carriage assembly (13) to
paragraph reduces maintenance and safety problems.
elevator assembly (7).
(1) Horizontally bolt two aluminum channels, 4
by 4 inches by 3-1/2 feet each, to tower braces No. 7 on