TM 32-5985-343-14&P
Figure 2-8. Brace Attachment and Multiple-Leg Sling Assembly Connection
If vertical elevator tracks are available when tower
sections Nos. 1 through 4 are assembled and attached,
The blocks that support the top
install them next by following the procedure described
tower section (tower section No. 4)
below. If not, install the tower adapter next (paragraph
must be able to support a load of
2,000 pounds.
This capacity is
attaching vertical elevator tracks after tower is erected.
necessary because of the additional
With the tower resting on support blocks, all tracks and
weight of the tower adapter which is
track supports are to be attached to face A of the tower
attached before the tower is raised.
(the face that lies between legs B and C). Refer to
(3) Remove blocks from under tower section No.
3. Place blocks, capable of supporting 2,000 pounds
a. Attach track supports Nos. 1 (14), 2 (13), and 3
each, under legs B and C and 1 foot 6 inches from top
(12) to tower section No. 1. Secure to tower leg
of tower. Lower tower onto these blocks.
assemblies with six bolts (7), nuts (8), and lockwashers
b. As in step a, and with the same attaching
hardware, attach track supports Nos. 4 (11), 5 (10), and
6 (6) to tower section No. 2; track supports Nos. 7 (5), 8
(4), and 9 (3) to tower section No. 3; and track support
The tower must be guyed or
No. 10 (2) to tower section No. 4.
otherwise secured against high
c. Attach six track assemblies (15) to track supports
of tower sections Nos. 1,2, and 3 (two for each tower
section) and secure with 36 bolts (25), nuts (17), and