Section IV.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean, soft cloth.
Adequate ventilation should be provided while using
TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE. Prolonged breathing of vapor
should be avoided. The solvent should not be used near heat
or open flame; the products of decomposition are toxic and
irritating. Since TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE dissolves natural
oils, prolonged contact with skin should be avoided. When
necessary, use gloves which the solvent cannot penetrate.
If the solvent is taken internally, consult a physician.
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt with a cloth dampened (not wet)
with trichlorotrifluoroethane (item l,appx c).
c. Clean the guys by washing them; allow items to dry thorouqhly.
Touchup Painting
Use the following instructions to clean and repaint equipment which has
been badly scarred or damaged.
Adequate ventilation should be provided while using
TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE. Prolonged breathing of vapor
should be avoided. The solvent should not be used near heat
or open flame; the products of decomposition are toxic and
irritating. Since TRICHLOROTRIFLOUROETHANE dissolves natural
oils, prolonged contact with the skin should be avoided. When
necessary, use gloves which the solvent cannot penetrate.
If the solvent is taken internally, consult a physician.
a. Lightly sand scarred equipment with #OO or #000 sandpaper and clean
to bare metal with trichlorotrifluoroethane (item 1, appx C).
b. Brush two coats of paint (enamel, alkyd, camouflage, color Forest
Green per MIL-E-52798) (item 2,appx C) on the metal.
Refer to applicable cleaning and refinishing
practices specified in SB 11-573 and TB 43-0118.