coreflux generator holders MP16 and MP17 over toroidal
(2) Secure control motor B1 to gear train
cores E6 and E7. Tighten the four screws MP2H4 so the
assembly A3 with the two screws, washer, and rim
antenna element MP13 is centered in E6 and E7.
clench clamp assemblies MP7 that are away from base
(9) Tighten nut MP25HI and screw plug
plate MP20.
P1 on antenna element MP13. The distance between
(3) Secure gear train assembly A3 to base
the bot-tom of base plate MP20 and the nut portion of P1
plate MP20 using four screws A3H4 and lockwashers
should be 3 inches. Apply solder between P1 and not
(10) Solder curved end of plate L4 on
remaining screws, washers, and rim clench assembly
antenna element-ment MP13. Secure plate L4 by
MP7 to control motor B1
tightening two screws MP22H1 and MP23H1 and on
(4) Position backing plate MP21 in place
screw L4H1.
and secure with four screws MP21H4.
d. Replacement of Coils L1 and L2
(5) Position servo amplifier card Al against
back-ing plate MP21 and secure with five screws AlH5
(FO 6-6)
and one screw A1H1. Secure loop clamp MP6 to screw
(1) Secure coils L1 and L2 to flux
A1H1 with nut and washer MP6H1.
(6) Secure cover MP 11 to backing plate
washers L1H2 and L2H2.
MP21 with four screws MP11H4 and two screws
(2) Mount MP2 on base plat MP20 and
secure with four screws and lockwashers MP2H4.
(7) Secure access panel MP18 using
(3) Secure flux generator bracket MP5 to
three screws MP18H3 and five screws MP18H5.
base plate MP20 with four screws MP5H4.
b. Replacement of Capacitor A3C1.
(4) Slide plate L4 through MP5 and solder
curved end to antenna element MP13.
(5) Secure plate L4 in place with two
(1) Position capacitor C1 on casting and
screws MP23H1 and MP22H1 and one screw and
secure with four screws and lockwashers C1 H4.
lockwashers L4H1.
Position bear-ing MP5 in place.
e. Reassembly of Gear Train Assembly A3.
(2) Turn gear train to pull the shaft of
capacitor C1 out. When the hole in the end of the shaft
(FO 6-6)
is clear, place a piece of paper between a set of mating
(1) Replacement of gears MP6 and MP8.
(3) Insert spring pin C1H1 in the hole at
and MP2 in place on the casting.
the end of the capacitor shaft. Push the pin until the end
(b) Position gears MP6 and MP8 and
of the gear side of the shaft will rest on the bearing. The
shaft spacer MP13 in casting and slide shaft MP11 in
other end of spring pin C1H1 should be low enough to
trip the arms of switches S1 and S2. Remove the paper
(c) Secure each gear to the shaft with
between the gears.
a setscrew when a new hole is drilled. If a new shaft
c. Replacement of Antenna Element Assembly
MP1 1 Is used, drill a 1/16-inch hole in each end of the
shaft, using the hole in each gear as a guide.
(FO 6-6)
(d) Secure each gear to the shaft,
(1) Secure J1 to base plate MP20 with nut
using spring pins MP6H1 and MP8H1.
and shake washer.
(2) Place glyptal on threads of connector
J1 and screw core space MP24 on connector J1
If the old shaft MP11 is used, larger
(3) Insert lug of J1 into slot of antenna
spring pins will be required to assure the
element MP13 and solder.
gears are securely positioned on the
(4) If toroidal core L3E1 and wires of coil
L3 are not bonded to spacer MP24, they are to be
(2) Replacement of gear MP7 and shaft
cemented together during test. Position this core next to
core spacer MP24.
(5) Place toroidal cores E6 and E7, teflon
and MP4 in place on the casting.
spacer MP25, flat washer and nut MP25H1 on antenna
(b) Position gear MP7 and pinion
element-ment MP13.
spacer MP12 in casting and slide shaft MP1O in place.
(6) Position the core flux generator
(c) Secure gear MP7 to the shaft
holders MP16 and MP17 in flux generator bracket MP5
using the setscrew. If a new shaft MP1O is used, drill a
and secure with two screws, lockwasher, and flat washer
1/16-inch hold in the shaft, using the hole in the gear as
assemblies MP5H4 in each.
a guide.
(7) Spread a small amount of heat sink
(d) Secure gear MP7 to shaft MP10
compound (Dow Corning DC340) between and on the
using spring pin MP1OH1. Remove the setscrew.
outside of toroidal cores E6 and E7.
(8) Place the curved portions of the