level. Echelons higher than the
1. General
echelon marked by X are author-
a. This section assigns maintenance
ized to perform the indicated
functions and repair operations to be per-
formed by the lowest appropriate mainte-
(4) Tools required. This column indi-
nance echelon.
c a t e s codes assigned to each
b. Columns in the maintenance allo-
individual tool equipment, test
cation chart are as follows:
equipment, and maintenance equip-
(1) Part or component. This column
ment referenced. The grouping of
shows only the nomenclature or
codes in this column of the mainte-
standard item name. Components
nance allocation chart indicates the
and parts comprising a major end
tool, test, and maintenance equip-
item are listed alphabetically.
ment required to perform the
(2) Maintenance function. This column
maintenance function.
indicates the various maintenance
(5) Remarks. Entries in this column
functions allocated to the echelon
will be utilized when necessary to
capable of performing the opera-
clarify any of the data cited in the
preceding columns.
(a) Service. To clean and to pre-
c. Columns in the allocation of tools for
maintenance functions are as follows:
(b) Inspect. To verify serviceability
(1) Tools required for maintenance
and to detect incipient elec-
functions. This column lists the
trical or mechanical failure by
tools, test, and maintenance equip-
ment required to perform the
(c) Test. To verify serviceability
maintenance functions.
and to detect incipient electrical
(2) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th echelon. The
or mechanical failure by use of
dagger symbol indicates the
special equipment such as gages,
echelons allocated the facility.
meters, etc.
(3) Tool code. This column lists the
(d) Replace. To substitute service-
tool code assigned.
able assemblies and parts for
unserviceable components.
2. Maintenance by Using Organizations
(e) Repair. To restore an item to
serviceable conditions through
When this equipment is used by signal
correction of a specific failure or
services organizations organic to theater
unserviceable condition. This
function includes, but is not
limited to, inspecting, clean-
maintenance functions allocated up to and
ing, preserving, adjusting, re-
including fourth echelon are authorized to
placing, welding, riveting, and
the organization operating this equipment.
(3) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th echelon. The
3. Mounting Hardware
symbol X indicates the echelon re-
sponsible for performing that par-
The basic entries of the maintenance al-
ticular maintenance operation, but
location chart do not include mounting
does not necessarily indicate that
hardware such as screws, nuts, bolts,
washers, brackets, clamps, etc.
repair parts will be stooked at that