c. Cable Assembly, RF CG-678/U is 75
feet 3 inches long and consists of cable
RG-58A/U with a connector UG-536/U at
each end. Cable Assembly RD CG-78/U
connects between Insulator IL-4/GRA-4
and the radio set.
d. Insulator IL-4/GRA is a phenolic
housing which has two terminals for con-
nection of the antenna wires and a female
coaxial fitting for connecting Cable As-
sembly RF CG-678/U. Insulator IL-4/
GRA-4 is installed at the center of the
e. Halyard MX-2706/G consists of 75
feet of l/8-inch diameter Dacron rope.
A snaphook fastener at one end of the rope
connects to Reeling Machine, Cable, Hand
RC-432/G, a snaphook fastener and a lead
a. Bag BG-175, made of heavy canvas,
weight is attached to the other end.
is used to store all components.
f. The tape, measuring (tape measure),
b. Each Reeling Machine, Cable, Hand
made of nonconducting woven fabric, is
RC-432/G consists of a reel on which 160
156 feet long. It is calibrated on one side
feet of Wire Assembly, Antenna CX-
7303/G is wound. A terminal hook on the
It is used to measure the length of antenna
loose end of Wire Assembly, Antenna CX-
necessary for operation at any given fre-
7303/G attaches to Insulator IL-4/GRA-4.
quency. The tape measure is marked at
Halyard MX-2706/G is secured to a small
each 100 kilocycles (kc) from 1.6 to 6 mc,
hole in the Reeling Machine, Cable, Hand
at each 200 kc from 4 to 6 mc, at each
RC-432/G frame. A spring action handle
500 kc from 6 to 10 mc, and at each mc
on the outer flange of the spool facilitates
from 10 to 20 mc.