TM 32-5985-343-14&P
Pass tools and materials by using appropriate containers
or ropes.
i. When hoisting equipment, the operator shall not
be permitted to perform any other work. He shall not
leave controls until the load has been safely attached or
thoroughly familiar with installation
safely lowered to the ground.
j. Only the erection gear prescribed in this manual
erection of tower.
shall be used without consulting a civil engineer. All
other erection and installation procedures must be
a. Tower is assembled on the ground as follows:
approved by a civil engineer.
(1) Tower section No. 1 is assembled.
2-12 ASSEMBLY OF TOWER. Only the equipment
(2) Tower section No. 1 is attached to tower pivots
listed in table 2-2 and common hand tools, such as
and raised.
wrenches and screwdrivers, are needed for assembling
(3) Gin pole is attached.
the tower. The step-by-step procedure that follows
(4) Tower section No. 1 is lowered.
enables rapid and accurate assembly of the tower.
(5) Tower sections Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are assembled
and attached.
(1) Screw 126 tower step bolts (2, sheet 1) tight
b. If elevator tracks are available when tower is
against all tower leg assemblies (1, sheet 1) A, B, and
erected, they are attached while tower is on the ground.
c. Tower adapter is attached to rest of tower.
(2) Attach tower support to pier A and hold in
d. Tower is raised.
place with eight nuts (18, sheet 2) and lockwashers (19,
e. Elevator tracks are installed if they were not
sheet 2). Do not tighten these pier nuts (18, sheet 2)
available before tower was raised.
until the tower is raised later.
f Carriage is assembled, mounted to the tower, and
Be sure that right and left tower
2-11 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. The following safety
pivots are not 1800 out of alignment.
precautions shall be observed before and during
Otherwise pivot assemblies may be
installation of the Antenna Tower TS-IA:
damaged when the tower section is
a. Be familiar with the usual safety precautions and
safety equipment that are used when handling structural
(3) Attach tower base pivot assemblies (20, sheet
2) to pier B and C and secure with 16 nuts (18, sheet 2)
b. Maintain erection tools and equipment in safe
and lockwashers (19, sheet 2).
condition, especially lifting and safety gear.
(4) Face A will be assembled first. Lay out tower
c. Take special care when handling structural steel in
legs B (1, sheet 1) and C (1, sheet 1) on the ground.
icy or wet weather. The steel is likely to be slippery
Attach tower braces Nos. 1 (10, sheet 1) and 2 (12,
under these conditions.
sheet 1) to tower legs and secure with four bolts (3,
d. Wear gloves and other protective clothing when
sheet 1), nuts (4, sheet 1), and lockwashers (5, sheet 1).
handling structural steel in extreme cold. Unprotected
Secure crossover junctions of braces with two bolts (6,
skin can freeze onto very cold steel.
sheet 1), nuts (7, sheet 1), and lockwashers (8, sheet 1).
e. Secure partial assemblies against high winds at all
(5) Hoist up leg B (1, sheet 1), with leg C (1, sheet
times during erection.
1) on the ground serving as an axis, so that the second
f Do not use tower hoist as a hoist for persons.
side, face B of the tower section, can be built on the
Required safety devices for personnel are not provided
ground. Repeat step (4) to assemble face B.
for this hoist.
g. Truck winch and winch cable used for raising
assemblies and restraining tower during erection must
have minimum work load rating of 1 ton. Winch truck
When working on structural tower,
must be capable of effectively braking, lowering, and
use safety climbing belts and pass
safely holding this 1-ton load.
tools and materials by using
h. When working on structural tower, use safety
appropriate containers or ropes.
climbing belts and hold tools and materials in