The radome-platform contains an electric motor-driven blower to inflate the radome, automatic
pressure controls to maintain radome pressure within defined limits, pressure limit switches, and deicers. The pressure
limit switches interrupt servo drive power to the Antenna System when the radome pressure is below the defined safe
(5) ANTENNA CONTROL POWER SUPPLY (See Figure 5-19) - The Antenna Control Power Supply provided
with the Antenna System is capable of supplying power, servo excitation, and azimuth orient correction factors. In
addition, the unit provides the controls necessary to control power, pressure, and deicing of the radome-platform. A
detailed description of the Antenna Control Power Supply and the controls and indicators thereon is contained in Section
V of
this manual, paragraph 14.
(6) ANTENNA POSITION CONTROL INDICATOR (See Figure 5-13) -- The Antenna Position Control Indicator is
provided with the Antenna System. It contains the controls necessary to control the Antenna System simultaneously in
azimuth and elevation and to provide a decimal display of the true azimuth and elevation position of the antenna.
Additional controls allow selection of the mode of system operation - scan, manual, or slave. In the scan mode of
operation, a scan generator in the unit allows the antenna to scan a predetermined sector in azimuth, within a maximum
sector of 270 degrees around the true azimuth zero references. In this mode, the antenna elevation angle is controlled
as in the manual mode. In the manual mode, synchros driven by manually operated handwheels on the front panel of
the unit provide the control voltages required to position the antenna in azimuth and elevation. In the slave mode,
control voltages from a radar or remote antenna system supply the azimuth and elevation positioning control voltages
through switches in the unit.
a. Additional controls are provided which allow the polarization of the antenna to be changed and the beam
width of the Antenna System to be increased or decreased. A meter is provided which indicates the beam width by
percentage of increase from the fixed focal point of the reflector. To attain proper beam-broadening, the meter reading
must be set according to the Frequency vs. Feed Position chart provided with the Control Indicator. A typical chart is
shown in Figure 1-11. A cable-wrap meter with an "O" center and two red limit makings affords a visual indication of the
azimuth cable wrap in the antenna pedestal. A detailed description of the Antenna Position Control Indicator and the
controls and indicators thereon is contained in Section V of this manual, paragraph 13.
(7) SCOPE --- The Direction Finding Display Scope is provided with the Antenna System. It is a plotting storage
oscilloscope which produces a visible output on the viewing screen corresponding to the antenna pattern signals. The
scope is used for determining the azimuth direction of a received signal. A detailed description of the scope is contained
in Section V of this manual, paragraph 15, and in Appendix I.
Revised January 22, 1968