TM 11-5985-379-14&P
B e f o r e connecting mast sections, wipe unpainted surfaces
clean of mud or dirt to ensure good electrical contact.
d. A s s e m b l e mast by raising top mast assembly and inserting mast sections
e . A d j u s t tension on all elements until mast is plumb. E l e m e n t s need not be
e x c e s s i v e l y t a u t . A tension of approximately 3 to 5 pounds is sufficient.
I n s t a l l a t i o n of the AS-2259/CR antenna on vehicular mounts is the same as
t h a t of the antenna as described in 2.2 above, except the vehicular whip
m o u n t is used rather than the AN/PRC-47 radio, and the Adapter MX-9313/GR
i s used instead of the base assembly, U s e only as many mast sections as
a r e necessary to raise the top of the antenna to approximately 16 feet 9
D i s a s s e m b l y is performed in the reverse order of assembly. R e m o v e stakes,
d i s a s s e m b l e mast, and coil elements on hooks provided on top mast section.
When coiling the radiating elements, first pull all four anchor stakes and
l e a v e them on the ground. R e t u r n to the mast and coil each element onto
t h e hooks, pulling the element toward the mast as it is coiled. O t h e r w i s e
k i n k s in the elements may result and the elements may become entangled.
S e c u r e the elements in place on the top mast assembly with the web belt.
I n s e r t top mast assembly, with elements coiled on it, in the large pocket in
t h e c a r r y i n g c a s e . I n s e r t the remaining mast sections in the pockets provided.
T h e antenna packs more compactly if the base assembly is inserted in a mast
s e c t i o n which is inserted into the third pocket (one pocket away from the top
m a s t assembly). B e sure the tune-load chart is attached to the base assembly.
F o l d over the side flaps, roll the pack tightly, and buckle the two small