CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-5985-335-150012Figure 1-1(1). Antenna AS-1425/GRC (sheet 1 of 3).Figure 1-1(2). Antenna AS-1425/GRC (sheet 2 of 3)Figure 1-1(3). Antenna AS-1425/GRC (sheet 3 of 3).Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR) - TM-11-5985-335-150016Tabulated Data - TM-11-5985-335-150017Description of Antenna AS-1425/GRCDescription of Operating AccessoriesSystem Applications-continuedFigure 1-2. Antenna AS-1425/GRC, typical system applicationsCHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION - TM-11-5985-335-150022Figure 2-1. Wooden box, typical packaging diagramChecking Unpacked EquipmentSection II. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONFigure 2-2. Typical plotting profilesErection of Antenna-continuedFigure 2-3. Attaching antenna backmount.Erection Procedure of Antenna AS-1425/GRC with Kit, Antenna Extension MK-2228A/GErection Procedure of Antenna AS-1425/GRC with Kit, Antenna Extension MK-2228A/G-continuedFigure 2-4. Mounting reflector assembly. (A)Figure 2-4.1. Mounting reflector assembly. (B)Figure 2-5. Tightening crosshandle bolts. (A)Figure 2-5.1. Antenna mounting secured. (B)Figure 2-6. Setting antenna polarization.Figure 2-7. Mounting feedhorn to reflector.Figure 2-8. Attaching waveguide to feedhorn.Figure 2-9. Reflectors and guy cable arrangements for (a) Antenna, AS-1425/GRCAntenna Adjustment ProceduresAntenna Adjustment Procedures-continuedOperation Under Unusual Climatic ConditionsCHAPTER 3. OPERATOR/CREW-AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOperator/Crew Preventive Maintenance-continuedOperator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesSection II. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCECHAPTER 4. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCERemoval and Replacement of FeedhornRemoval and Replacement of Deicer EquipmentCHAPTER 5. DEPOT MAINTENANCEDisassembly and Reassembly of Tilting AssemblySection II. DEPOT OVERHAUL STANDARDSKey for Figure 5-1Figure 5-1. Tilting assembly, exploded view.Test Equipment Required.Figure 5-2. Reflector dimensions.VSWR TestFigure 5-3. VSWR test setup diagram.CHAPTER 6. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGEPackagingAPPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TM-11-5985-335-150060APPENDIX B. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTMaintenance code - TM-11-5985-335-150062Explanation of Columns in the Tabular List of Maintenance and Operating Supplies - Section III.Section II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAPPENDIX C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-5985-335-150065Column Entries - TM-11-5985-335-150066Tool and Test Equipment Requirements (Sect. 111)SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR ANTENNA AS-1425/GRCSECTION III TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTENNA AS-1425/GRCSECTION IV REMARKS FOR ANTENNA AS-1425/GRCAPPENDIX D. ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSource, Maintenance,' and Recoverability Codes (SMR)-continuedRecoverability code - TM-11-5985-335-15007315-Day Organizational Maintenance Allowances.Special Information - TM-11-5985-335-150075Location of Repair Parts.Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers.SECTION II. PRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCE - TM-11-5985-335-150078SECTION III. REPAIR PARTS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCESECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCESECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150081SECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150082SECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150083SECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150084SECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150085SECTION V REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150086SECTION VII INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATIONSECTION VII INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150088SECTION VII INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION-continued - TM-11-5985-335-150089SECTION VIII INDEX-REFERENCE DESIGNATION CROSS REFERENCE TO PAGE NUMBERTM-11-5985-335-15 Antenna AS 1425/GRC Manual