TM 11-5985-334-34
e. The brake assembly is mounted on the top side
of the lower guide plate and is held in place by a
machine bolt (31), spacer (32), and self-locking nut
(30) through bosses on the guide plate.
(1) To remove the brake assembly, remove the
bolts and nuts which hold the levers to the bosses on
the guide plate.
(2) Lift each lever up to remove the spacers.
(3) Remove the brake assembly by lifting it up,
out, and over the guide plate bosses.
2-7. Removal and Replacement of Brake
Assembly Components
a. Remove the brake assembly.
The brake assembly is a loose assembly.
When the bolts and nuts other than the
eyebolt (10) are reassembled, tighten
them only enough to prevent endplay of
the bolt.
Figure 2-3(2). Launcher top and guide plate assembly,
b. The front and rear brake shoes (2 and 4) each
exploded view, AB-621/G (Sheet 2 of 2).
mounts with only one machine bolt (7) through the
front and rear levers (1 and 5).
When reassembling a brake shoe to a
When the lower roller guide assembly
lever, check to be sure that the flat
casting is replaced, a new caution plate
must be mounted.
toward the brake links (9) of the handle
(12) and that they are on the bottom side
c. Three drive screws are driven through the
of the brake assembly in order to fit under
caution plate (b above) into holes located and drilled
the brake retainer on the lower guide
by using the new caution plate as a template. Spot
and drill the three holes to a depth of 3/8 inch using
a No. 51 drill (.067 inch).
c. The brake assembly is replaced onto the lower
d. A guide roller and roller axle are removed for
guide plate by tilting it in the same angle as when
replacement by removing a retaining clip at one end
removing and pushing it into place over the bosses.
of the axle.
d. Replace the tubular spacers into the pivot
(1) Hold the roller while pulling the other end of
holes of the brake shoe levers.
the axle to slide the axle out of its bearings.
e. Insert the bolts from the top and tighten the
(2) To replace the roller or axle, position the
nuts on the underside of the guide plate to complete
roller in line with the axle bearings, replace the axle,
the assembly replacement.
and snap the retaining clip into the axle groove.