TM 11-5985-334-34
1-1. Scope
parts (refer to TM 11-5985-334-20).
(b) Perform monthly preventive maintenance
Type of Manual: Direct and General Support
checks and services (refer to TM 11-5985-334-20).
Correct all deficiencies.
Model Number and Equipment Name:
(2) Store in dry, moisture free area. Records and
AB-621(*)/G-Mast, Antenna (Includes
reports shall be maintained as prescribed in TM
AB-621/G and AB-621A/G) MK-2044/G-Kit,
38-750 for equipment in use.
Purpose of Equipment:
1-5. Official Nomenclature, Names, and
Portable antenna mast used to support a
variety of directional radio antennas, to an
The following nomenclatures are covered in this
elevation of 50 or 100 feet.
manual; these designations are used to identify
specific items that are used at your installation.
1-2. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
Mast, Antenna 50 foot
Equipment. Department of the Army forms and
Mast, Antenna 50 or 100 foot
procedures used for equipment maintenance will be
Kit, Extension
those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Army
Maintenance Management System.
The designation AB-621(*)/G when used
b. Reporting of Packaging and Handling
in this manual means that the in-
Deficiencies. Fill out and forward SF 364 (Report of
formation applies to both the AB-621/G
Discrepancy ( R O D ) ) as prescribed in AR
and AB-621A/G. Also, when instructions
735-11-2/DLAR 4140.55/NAVMATINST
are given for a component without model
4355.73/AFR 400-54/MCO 4430.3E.
reference, the information applies to both
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
models. MK-2044/G is used to identify
361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
those items which are used exclusively
Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed in AR
with the extension kit.
55-38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33B/AFR 75-18/MCO
P4610.19C/DLAR 4500.15.
1-6. Reporting Equipment Improvement
Recommendations (EIR)
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
If your AB-621(*)/G or MK-2044/G needs im-
Enemy Use
provement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the
Destruction of Army electronics materiel to prevent
user, are the only one who can tell us what you don't
enemy use shall be in accordance with TM
like about your equipment. Let us know why you
don't like the design. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality
Deficiency Report). Mail it to us at Commander, US
1-4. Preparation for Storage or Shipment
a. Refer to TM 11-5985-334-10 to remove the
Fort Monmouth, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-MP, Fort
AB-621(*)/G and MK-2044/G from service and
Monmouth, NJ 07703. We'll send a reply.
pack for storage.
b. Administrative storage of the AB-621(*)/G
1-7. Consolidated Index of Army Publications
and MK-2044/G will be handled as follows. The
and Blank Forms
requirements apply whether the mast is stored with
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-1 to
an associated radio, or stored alone.
determine whether there are new editions, changes
(1) Before and after storage, perform the
or additional publications pertaining to the
(a) Clean the unit and spot-paint bare metal